SpankMonster Coupon
SpankMonster.com is a perfect porn site for anyone looking to take a break from the super hardcore and occasionally classless porn for some more sophisticated action that doesn’t necessarily lose its hardcore edge.
Lifetime SpankMonster Discounts:
Save 35% for Three Months at $16.65 per month Save 51% for Twelve Months at $12.49 per month
SpankMonster Discount Review
Allow me to explain; the site is a creation of British erotic film director Justin Santos who wanted to add elegance and taste to porn videos, something he [perhaps rightly] noticed was missing. As a result, you get a female and couple-friendly collection of 256 1080p videos with more coming your way every month. The collection also includes high-res galleries available for downloading in zip files.
It is not every day that we get to describe porn as classy especially if it’s hardcore. But like everything British, there is certainly a lot of class and elegance in the videos you will find on SpankMonster. It also helps that the performers are British with their unmistakable accents.
They promise “Very British. Very naughty.” action and that’s exactly what you get. There are hardcore encounters including threesomes, but they focus on portraying everything in a sensual, almost polite way. Even with all the nudity, they don’t lose their class, so don’t expect rough blowjobs, bukkakes, hardcore gangbangs, or any of that. Their approach has seen them win multiple awards including In Style’s Best Female Friendly Site as well as a nomination for the Toronto International Porn Festival in 2018. They must be doing something right to earn such distinguished recognition.
A look at the collection reveals a collection of 256 videos which are decent numbers to be fair. However, the dates indicate updates take longer than most sites, with around two new videos every month. They like to take their time to bring you classy videos although a new video or two every week would be brill.
SpankMonster has not overdone its design and everything has been kept nice and simple. You should expect a smooth browsing experience even from your mobile devices. Feel free to use the basic search and categories tab to zero in on your favorite videos. However, there are no tags which is a bit odd. There are options to rate, comment, and add videos to a list of favorites. You also don’t get any bonuses which will not be pleasant news to y’all entitled pricks, but if it’s any consolation, there is a journal with some BTS.